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PeakTrace RP

The PeakTrace RP Basecaller is a new DNA sequencing basecaller for improving the readlength and quality of ABI sequencing traces developed by Nucleics. It provides from 15% to 100% more high quality bases as compared to other basecallers such as ABI KB basecaller or phred. In addition, PeakTrace improves the separation of peaks in the trace making it easier to manually check the basecall.

PeakTrace is able to basecall DNA sequencing trace files collected on the ABI 377, ABI 310, ABI 3700, ABI 3100, ABI 3130, ABI 3500, ABI 3730 and ABI 3730xl DNA sequencing instruments. The latest release of PeakTrace RP is 6.93.

3130 basecalled trace file

Figure 1. Example of PeakTrace basecalling on an ABI 3130 trace. This figure show the same trace file basecalled with KB and PeakTrace RP.